How To Stick To New Year's Resolutions
How to make + keep a New Year's resolution.
From now until the end of 2019, we’ll be putting forward a different wellness-oriented goal each month as part of our new One Simple Thing series. Some will be easy swaps, while others may be more difficult. Whichever the case, each will come with an actionable plan to make it achievable. The idea is to layer 12 small, but effective goals in tandem with your own personal resolutions to improve our collective health, and that of the planet, for the better. Pick and choose as you go each month, or try your hand at each—there’s no pressure.
But first, a note on selecting (and sticking) to resolutions in general. Here’s how to single out a winning one for 2019:
Be specific
Defining a clear, concrete goal is much more important than vaguely saying you want to change something. Think: What exactly do I want to change? How long is it going to take me to do it?
Make it achievable
Resolving to go 100% waste-free by February is probably not realistic, but adopting one earth-friendly policy a month likely is. If that ends up being easy, then you can always up the ante and commit to switching up two things a month come the end of January. Trying to take a giant leap too fast can leave you feeling disheartened or frustrated when it doesn’t end up working out.
Give yourself a timeline
Allowing yourself enough time to reach your goals is important. A good way to do this is to set up mini targets along the way. For example, if you are aiming to run a marathon in June, try to build your weekly mileage over time, running three to five times per week. I.e. If your base tempo is currently at six miles, you want to be running 10 come the beginning of February, 14 by March, 18 by April etcetera.
Track progress
No matter what your resolution is, it’s important to log your progress. This process works two-fold: It allows you to reflect on how far you’ve come, as well as identify the cause of any potential road bumps. Trying to cut back on sugar? Keeping a food diary will help you see what’s triggering cravings.
Is it right for you?
Resolutions only stick if the goal really matters to you. Trying to change something based on what you feel like you “should” be doing, or what someone else (or even society) tells you to do will likely lead to failure. Adopting a resolution because it’s trendy? Chances are it won’t last. Remember: Only you know what’s best for you.
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Read: The Nue Co.'s Wellness Resolutions for 2019
Read: 12 Tips to Avoid Winter Burnout